Rules: Object: The object of Poker Solitaire is to get a poker hand in each row, which is atleast stronger than three of a kind. Valid poker hands are as follows: Straight All cards which are in consequetive order in rank. (ie: 8C, 9D, 10D, JS, QH) Flush All cards which are in the same suit. (ie: 6S, JS, 2S, 8S, AS) Fullhouse Any three of a kind (rank) and any two of a kind (rank) (ie: 8C, 8D, 8S, QC, QD) Four of a Kind Any four of a kind (rank). (ie: 3H, 4H, 5H, 6H, 7H) Note that straight flush's and royal flush's are taken care of by the "straight" poker hand discussed above. Card Manipulation: Any card may be moved from any location to any other location. This is done by clicking and dragging the outline of the card you want to move (source card) to another location. When you have dragged the card to the location you wish it to be in (the destination card), release the mouse button and the two cards will exchange locations. The source and destination cards are indicated by a small inverted area within each. The source card's center will have a constant inverted area, but the destination card will change as you drag the outline of the source card around. The current destination card will have an inverted area within it. If you release the mouse when there is no destination card indicated, no exchange of cards occurs.